Company History


  • TitleWorks explored the idea of providing a document management solution to FNF in 2000.
  • TitleWorks deployed its first solution in Visalia in 2001.
  • After the successful deployment in Visalia, TitleWorks was deployed in Kern and Fresno in 2002.
  • TitleWorks scanned even more documents during 2003 and 2004 leading to additional investment in state-of-the-art equipment.
  • TitleWorks incorporated in 2004 and began overseas operations that same year.
  • Currently, TitleWorks has digital recorded documents from seven counties: Kern, Tulare, Fresno, Kings, Madera, Merced and Orange. TitleWorks is actively pursuing the acquisition of data from additional counties.




Executive Summary

Financial institutions, real estate agents, investors, lawyers and others need access to information regarding property history. The process could be slow and laborious, as employees must actually locate the documents. With the use of digital documents provided by TitleWorks, the process becomes faster and more cost effective. Labor costs have been reduced, if not eliminated at operations where TitleWorks is in use.

TitleWorks technology gives its customers a competitive edge, putting the document you need on your desktop in a few seconds. These documents include official records, Assessor's Parcel Maps, County Recorded Maps, and a variety of miscellaneous documents. With TitleWorks' state-of-the-art imaging systems and database management, searching for a document has never been easier.